Manual therapy

At London Sports Physiotherapy we offer many different types of manual therapy including sports massage, deep tissue massage, mobilisation and manipulation.

Massage therapy promotes blood flow to targeted areas of the body which improves pain, relaxes muscles and supports recovery and rehabilitation. It can also reduce inflammation around an injury such as an acutely inflamed knee. It can reduce muscle tension and also help reduce stress and anxiety from our busy lives.

Manipulation is helpful in restoring movement and flexibility in tight and painful joints. There is a mis-conception that manipulation helps restore alignment and puts things “back-in-place” but the reality is that it does no such thing. It helps open tight joints and releases a natural gas, creating that clicking sound.  The relief felt afterwards helps improve flexibility and can be a valuable aspect of rehabilitation if utilised alongside a regular programme including stretching and strength based exercises.,

At London Sports Physiotherapy we do not perform manipulation on the cervical spine for safety reasons.

If you would like to make an appointment to see one our expert clinicians please click on the link below.